The Epochal Body

The Epochal Body
Andrew Mossin

The Epochal Body is an epic of the body, a journey that begins prior to the body”s formation and that extends beyond its known life. With its unique mixture of spiritual yearning, passion, intimacy, and pain, Andrew Mossin”s The Epochal Body counts as among the most beautifully exquisite books of our time.” —Hank Lazer “Fundamental relationships–familial, erotic, selves and self–are made sublime, haunted and encoiled in the rich poetic textures of Mossin”s work. Here is a writer of absolute intensity, a writer to reckon with.” —Rachel Blau DuPlessis Andrew Mossin”s poetry and criticism have appeared in Conjnunctions, Talisman, Hambone, Facture, Contemporary Literature, Callaloo and other journals and magazines. He has published numerous chapbooks, including Drafts for Shelley (Facture Books 2001) and ARC (Quarry Press, 2000).